Selective ~ Disciplined ~ High Quality Set-Ups ~ Game Plan ~ No Drama ~ TAG Endeavors To ADD VALUE To The Risk Takers Process ~


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Comprehensive T.A.G. Advisory Service
As a TAG member, or 'TAGger', you will receive a login to our website, where content can be accessed and searched interactively. In addition to web delivery, all analysis and market updates will be delivered directly to your inbox. Coverage includes but is not limited to the following markets:
Major Macro Markets: S&P, US 10Y, USD, EUR$, $JPY, Crude, "the pulse" of the market
Other Markets: Selectively rotated coverage based upon relevance, opportunity set, and client demand; ranges across a variety of asset coverage throughout the FX, Equities, Rates, Commodities, and Credit macro landscape
Premium T.A.G. Advisory Service
As a premium TAG user, individuals will receive the same access as "Comprehensive" users but with expanded coverage and access to TAG analysts. Our Premium "high-touch" service includes bespoke / custom-tailored analysis of instruments outside the Major Macro Markets and Other Markets, "partnering in trades / investments" (TAG provides ‘tactical support’ given core directional view) amongst other advantages. Premium Users will receive direct T.A.G. covers via interactive Bloomberg chat, phone consultation, and email exchange. 
TAG limits Premium Memberships so please inquire as to availability. 
Contact Us
- Andrew Baptiste:
- (908) 572-7069
"Vox Populi" - The Voice of the People

Deep Relaxation with Sacred Geometry: A Fibonacci Sequence Meditation Music Experience

Detach from the outcome ~  Relinquish your rigid attachment to a specific result and live in the wisdom of uncertainty. Attachment is based on fear and insecurity, while detachment is based on the unquestioning belief in the power of your true Self. Intend for everything to work out as it should, then let go and allow opportunities and openings to come your way.
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